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2009 - DIAS & DINIS installed in partnership with a prestiged medical equipment company installed a 0.35T MRI in Portugal    

2009: DIAS & DINIS in partnership with a prestiged medical equipment company installed an 0.35T GE Signa Ovation Open MRI in a private hospital in Portugal.

TAC Siemens instalado no Hospital Privado do Botswana
08/2006 - DIAS & DINIS in partnership with a renowned Dutch medical company installed a private hospital in Botswana    

08/2006: DIAS & DINIS was contacted by a renowned Dutch medical equipment company to perform a full installation of a private hospital in Botswana. The following equipments were installed: a Siemens CT Scanner, a Siemens remote controlled table, a conventional x-ray room and a mobile x-ray system, both Siemens. At the end of the installation the hospital administration expressed great satisfaction with the level of professionalism shown and the work done by the DIAS & DINIS team.

TAC Siemens instalado no Hospital Privado do Botswana
10/2005 - DIAS & DINIS offered Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches University in Portugal a complete radiological room for teaching purposes.    

10/2005: DIAS & DINIS offered Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches University in Portugal a complete radiological room (Bucky table floating table top, height adjustable column x-ray tube and x-ray generator) to work in the practical classes laboratory. DIAS & DINIS hopes that this can help improve the quality of the health care system in Portugal allowing new staff radiologists to leave university even better prepared.



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